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  1. Fonts Resource | Documentation

    Get Installed Fonts Note Note: The features listed on this page are supported only in GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud V1 GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud REST APIs support to get the installed fonts resource from the API server. API returns list of installed fonts. The following GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud REST API resource has been used in the Get Fonts Resource example. cURL example Request curl -v "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET -d "{}" Response { "families": [ { "name": "Aharoni" }, { "name": "Aldhabi" }, { "name": "Algerian" }, { "name": "Andalus" }, { "name": "Angsana New" }, { "name": "AngsanaUPC" }, { "name": "Aparajita" }, { "name": "Arabic Typesetting" }, { "name": "Arial" }, { "name": "Arial Black" }, { "name": "Arial Unicode MS" }, { "name": "Baskerville Old Face" }, { "name": "Batang" }, { "name": "BatangChe" }, { "name": "Book Antiqua" }, { "name": "Bookman Old Style" }, { "name": "Browallia New" }, { "name": "BrowalliaUPC" }, { "name": "Calibri" }, { "name": "Calibri Light" }, { "name": "Calisto MT" }, { "name": "Cambria" }, { "name": "Cambria Math" }, { "name": "Candara" }, { "name": "Century Gothic" }, { "name": "Century Schoolbook" }, { "name": "Comic Sans MS" }, { "name": "Consolas" }, { "name": "Constantia" }, { "name": "Corbel" }, { "name": "Cordia New" }, { "name": "CordiaUPC" }, { "name": "Courier New" }, { "name": "DaunPenh" }, { "name": "David" }, { "name": "DFKai-SB" }, { "name": "DilleniaUPC" }, { "name": "DokChampa" }, { "name": "Dotum" }, { "name": "DotumChe" }, { "name": "Ebrima" }, { "name": "Estrangelo Edessa" }, { "name": "EucrosiaUPC" }, { "name": "Euphemia" }, { "name": "FangSong" }, { "name": "Franklin Gothic Medium" }, { "name": "FrankRuehl" }, { "name": "Free 3 of 9 Extended" }, { "name": "FreesiaUPC" }, { "name": "Gabriola" }, { "name": "Gadugi" }, { "name": "Garamond" }, { "name": "Gautami" }, { "name": "Georgia" }, { "name": "Gisha" }, { "name": "Gulim" }, { "name": "GulimChe" }, { "name": "Gungsuh" }, { "name": "GungsuhChe" }, { "name": "Impact" }, { "name": "IrisUPC" }, { "name": "Iskoola Pota" }, { "name": "JasmineUPC" }, { "name": "KaiTi" }, { "name": "Kalinga" }, { "name": "Kartika" }, { "name": "Khmer UI" }, { "name": "KodchiangUPC" }, { "name": "Kokila" }, { "name": "Lao UI" }, { "name": "Latha" }, { "name": "Leelawadee" }, { "name": "Levenim MT" }, { "name": "Liberation Serif" }, { "name": "LilyUPC" }, { "name": "Lucida Console" }, { "name": "Lucida Grande" }, { "name": "Lucida Sans Unicode" }, { "name": "Malgun Gothic" }, { "name": "Mangal" }, { "name": "Marlett" }, { "name": "Meiryo" }, { "name": "Meiryo UI" }, { "name": "Microsoft Himalaya" }, { "name": "Microsoft JhengHei" }, { "name": "Microsoft JhengHei UI" }, { "name": "Microsoft New Tai Lue" }, { "name": "Microsoft PhagsPa" }, { "name": "Microsoft Sans Serif" }, { "name": "Microsoft Tai Le" }, { "name": "Microsoft Uighur" }, { "name": "Microsoft YaHei" }, { "name": "Microsoft YaHei UI" }, { "name": "Microsoft Yi Baiti" }, { "name": "MingLiU" }, { "name": "MingLiU-ExtB" }, { "name": "MingLiU_HKSCS" }, { "name": "MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB" }, { "name": "Miriam" }, { "name": "Miriam Fixed" }, { "name": "Mongolian Baiti" }, { "name": "Monotype Corsiva" }, { "name": "MoolBoran" }, { "name": "MS Gothic" }, { "name": "MS Mincho" }, { "name": "MS PGothic" }, { "name": "MS PMincho" }, { "name": "MS UI Gothic" }, { "name": "MV Boli" }, { "name": "Myanmar Text" }, { "name": "Narkisim" }, { "name": "Nirmala UI" }, { "name": "NSimSun" }, { "name": "Nyala" }, { "name": "Palatino Linotype" }, { "name": "Plantagenet Cherokee" }, { "name": "PMingLiU" }, { "name": "PMingLiU-ExtB" }, { "name": "Raavi" }, { "name": "Rod" }, { "name": "Sakkal Majalla" }, { "name": "Segoe Print" }, { "name": "Segoe Script" }, { "name": "Segoe UI" }, { "name": "Segoe UI Light" }, { "name": "Segoe UI Semibold" }, { "name": "Segoe UI Semilight" }, { "name": "Segoe UI Symbol" }, { "name": "Shonar Bangla" }, { "name": "Shruti" }, { "name": "SimHei" }, { "name": "Simplified Arabic" }, { "name": "Simplified Arabic Fixed" }, { "name": "SimSun" }, { "name": "SimSun-ExtB" }, { "name": "Sylfaen" }, { "name": "Symbol" }, { "name": "Tahoma" }, { "name": "Times New Roman" }, { "name": "Traditional Arabic" }, { "name": "Trebuchet MS" }, { "name": "Tunga" }, { "name": "Tw Cen MT" }, { "name": "Tw Cen MT Condensed" }, { "name": "Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold" }, { "name": "Ubuntu" }, { "name": "Ubuntu Condensed" }, { "name": "Ubuntu Light" }, { "name": "Ubuntu Mono" }, { "name": "Univers 45 Light" }, { "name": "Univers 47 CondensedLight" }, { "name": "Univers 55" }, { "name": "Univers 57 Condensed" }, { "name": "Univers Extended" }, { "name": "Univers ExtraBlack" }, { "name": "Univers ExtraBlackExt" }, { "name": "Univers LightUltraCondensed" }, { "name": "Univers ThinUltraCondensed" }, { "name": "Univers UltraCondensed" }, { "name": "Urdu Typesetting" }, { "name": "Utsaah" }, { "name": "Vani" }, { "name": "Verdana" }, { "name": "Vijaya" }, { "name": "Vrinda" }, { "name": "Webdings" }, { "name": "Wingdings" } ] SDKs The API is completely independent of your operating system, database system or development language....Editor Product Solution GroupDocs...
  2. Verify Barcode signatures | Documentation

    GroupDocs.Signature Cloud provides a method to verify if the signatures with given properties are present in a document. The result of verify method contains boolean value IsSuccess (true or false). API usage There are steps that usage of GroupDocs.Signature Cloud consists of: Upload input document into cloud storage Verify signatures For storage operations, like uploading or downloading documents, please refer to the corresponding articles of this manual. Swagger UI lets you call this REST API directly from the browser....Editor Product Solution GroupDocs...
  3. Converta arquivos de texto em PDF usando a API ...

    Converta texto em arquivo pdf em alta qualidade usando nossa API de conversão avançada. Vamos aprender como converter arquivos de texto para PDF usando a API de conversão de arquivos em Python...Python Bloco de notas é um editor de texto do Windows e programa...
  4. Konvertieren Sie Textdateien mithilfe der Datei...

    Konvertieren Sie Text mithilfe unserer erweiterten Konvertierungs-API in hoher Qualität in eine PDF-Datei. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Textdateien mithilfe der Dateikonvertierungs-API in Python in PDF konvertieren...Notepad ist ein Windows- Text -Editor und Textverarbeitungspro zum...
  5. Convierta archivos de texto a PDF usando la API...

    Convierta texto a archivo pdf en alta calidad utilizando nuestra API de conversión avanzada. Aprendamos cómo convertir archivos de texto a PDF usando la API de conversión de archivos en Python...Python El Bloc de notas es un editor de texto de Windows y un programa...
  6. Add Watermark | Documentation

    This example demonstrates how to convert word processing document into pdf document with adding watermark. There are steps that usage of GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud consists of: Upload input document into cloud storage Convert document Download converted document from storage Steps 1 and 3 are storage operations, please refer to this for usage details. Step 3 is not needed if the “OutputPath” option is not provided: the convert API method will return the converted document in the response body....Editor Product Solution GroupDocs...
  7. Compare sensitivity | Documentation

    GroupDocs.Comparison Cloud allows to adjust comparison sensitivity to achieve the necessary balance between file comparison speed and accuracy. Possible comparison sensitivity values range is from 0 to 100. Minimal value - the minimal value is 0. Setting sensitivity to a minimal value provides the fastest comparison speed, but it may produce worst comparison quality. If there is at least one common letter in two compared words then these words will not be treated as fully inserted and deleted Value by default - the default value is 75....Editor Product Solution GroupDocs...
  8. Join Documents of different formats | Documenta...

    This REST API allows merging the document of different formats into one pdf or word processing document. The table below contains the full list of properties that can be specified for each joined document. Name Description Comment FilePath The file path in the storage Required property StorageName Storage name Could be omitted for default storage VersionId File version Id Useful for storages that support file versioning Password The password to open file Should be specified only for password-protected documents Pages Collection of page numbers to use in a Join operation The first page should have number 1 StartPageNumber Start page number Ignored if Pages collection is not empty EndPageNumber End page number Ignored if Pages collection is not empty RangeMode Page range mode: Even, Odd, All....Editor Product Solution GroupDocs...
  9. Archiv mit einem Online-PPT-Editor October 27, 2023 · einem kostenlosen Word-Editor September 28, 2023 · Muhammad...
  10. Render print areas | Documentation

    Spreadsheet document allows to set a print area if you want to print a specific section on a worksheet. There can be the case when you want to render only the print area of the worksheet using GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud. GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud provides an option to render sections of the worksheet(s) defined as the “print area”. It renders each print area in a worksheet as a separate page. The following code samples show how to render only the print areas from worksheets....Editor Product Solution GroupDocs...