Note Note: The features listed on this page are supported only in GroupDocs.Signature Cloud V1 GroupDocs.Signature Cloud REST API supports to verify a signed document. It provides methods to verify Barcode Signature in Documents Pages with different options for page number, text and search criteria by using verification-options-objects data in request body.
Verify Barcode Signature in a Document You can Verify Barcode Signature in a Document using this API. It expects Verification Options Object data in request body....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...
This API retrieves document classification result for IAB-2 taxonomy or Documents taxonomy. It returns an object that contains information about the best class and its probability and about probability of other classes.
See Classify request parameters for request’s details.
Resource This resource represents a controller for single call document classification.
Classify document with taxonomy. Set taxonomy parameter to “default” for IAB-2, set to “documents” for Documents taxonomy, or set to “sentiment” or “sentiment3” for Sentiments taxonomies....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...
Note Note: The features listed on this page are supported only in GroupDocs.Signature Cloud V1 GroupDocs.Signature Cloud REST API supports to search Digital signatures in supported document formats. It provides method to search Digital Signature in Document Pages with different options by using Search Options Object data in request body.
Search Digital Signature You can search Digital Signature on Document provided by fileName and document folder (if required) using following API....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...
La newsletter per sviluppatori di GroupDocs di aprile 2017 descrive gli aggiornamenti delle API, i principali miglioramenti delle funzionalità e le correzioni di bug all'interno delle API di manipolazione dei documenti di GroupDocs....Metadata per .NET 17.02 aggiunge la...
GroupDocs.Editor Cloud is a modern REST-oriented API, that allows easy integration into existing systems.
Why use an SDK? Using an SDK (API client) is the quickest way for a developer to speed up the development. An SDK takes care of a lot of low-level details of making requests and handling responses and lets you focus on writing code specific to your particular project.
SDK benefits Our supported SDKs are 100% tested and out of the box running....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...
Cepet terjemahake dokumen OpenOffice, spreadsheet lan presentasi kanthi online tanpa nginstal piranti lunak....uga kanthi akurat ngreksa metadata, struktur, gaya, lan tata...
OpenOffice sənədlərini, elektron tablolarını və təqdimatlarını hər hansı bir proqram yükləmədən onlayn tərcümə edin....dipnotlar və daha çox kimi metadata, struktur, üslub və düzəlişləri...
Filkonvertering - konverter filer til de fleste større filformater gratis, ingen registrering påkrævet. Sikker og nem at bruge filkonvertering!...Comparison Signature Assembly Metadata Search Parser Watermark Editor...
Pretvorba datoteka - pretvorite datoteke u većinu glavnih formata datoteka besplatno, nije potrebna registracija. Siguran i jednostavan za korištenje pretvorba datoteka!...Comparison Signature Assembly Metadata Search Parser Watermark Editor...