GroupDocs.Signature Cloud is a REST API to create, verify and search different type of Signatures objects in all common business formats, including PDF, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, epub and many other files. To get list of supported file formats, you can use the following API.
Resource The following GroupDocs.Signature Cloud REST API resource has been used in the Supported File Formats example.
cURL example Request curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "authorization: Bearer [Access Token]" Response { "formats": [ { "extension": "....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...
Note Note: The features listed on this page are supported only in GroupDocs.Signature Cloud V1 GroupDocs.Signature Cloud REST API supports to add Digital Signature to a document. It provides methods to create Digital Signature in Document Pages with different options of Certificate type, location, alignment, font, margins and appearances by using Signature Options Object data in request body.
Add Digital Signature to Document You can create Digital Signature on Document provided by fileName and document folder (if required) using following API....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...
Storage existence API This API intended for checking existence of cloud storage with given name from GroupDocs Cloud Storage.
API Explorer GroupDocs.Signature Cloud API Reference lets you to try out Storage existence API right away in your browser! It allows you to effortlessly interact and try out every single operation our APIs exposes.
Request parameters Parameter Description storageName Storage name cURL example Request curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "authorization: Bearer [Access Token]" Response { "exists": true } SDK examples Our API is completely independent of your operating system, database system or development language....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...
Översätt snabbt PDF, Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, Markdown, text och andra dokument online och spara översättningen i vilket format som helst....text, men bevarar också exakt metadata, strukturera, stilar, och...
PDF, Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, Markdown, mətn və digər sənədləri onlayn tərcümə edin və tərcüməni hər hansı bir formatda saxlaya bilərsiniz....dipnotlar və daha çox kimi metadata, struktur, üslub və düzəlişləri...
Cepat menerjemahkan buku kerja Excel secara online dan menyimpan terjemahan dalam format apapun....secara akurat mempertahankan metadata, struktur, gaya, dan tata...
Översätt snabbt Word-dokument online och spara översättningen i vilket format som helst....text, men bevarar också exakt metadata, struktur, stilar, och layout...
Terjemahkan dokumen Word secara online dengan cepat dan simpan terjemahan dalam format apa pun....secara akurat mempertahankan metadata, struktur, gaya, dan tata...
Cepat menterjemahkan PDF, Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, Markdown, teks, dan dokumen lain dalam talian dan simpan terjemahan dalam sebarang format....teks, tetapi juga mengekalkan metadata, struktur, gaya, dan susun...