CadLoadOptions - dxf, dwg, dgn, dwf, stl, Ifc, plt, Igs Properties Description format The format of input file, (“docx”, for example). This field must be filled with correct input file format when using ConvertDirect method, which accept input file as binary stream, and, because of that, API can correctly handle LoadOptions. layoutNames Specify which layouts to be converted backgroundColor A background color (for example: “Green”) drawType Type of drawing, “UseDrawColor” (default) - Allows to use common color, or “UseObjectColor” - Allows to use separate color for every object { "layoutNames": ["Floor1", "Floor3"] } SpreadsheetLoadOptions - xls, xlsx, xlsm, xlsb, xls2003, ods, ots, xltx, xltm, tsv Properties Description format The format of input file, (“docx”, for example)....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...