Major Features The most notable features in this release are:
Added next file formats support: CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) PST (MS Outlook data file) OST (MS Outlook data file) PCL (Printer Command Language) TSV (Tab Separated values) Temporally removed support for CAD file formats (DXF, DWG, DWF, DGN) Added Time interval option for rendering MS Project documents Added possibility to get project start and end dates from MS Porject document Added support of rendering Microsoft Project documents as HTML with embedded resources Added new option which allows setting list of fonts to exclude when rendering into HTML Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Category VIEWERCLOUD-215 Time interval option for rendering MS Project documents Feature VIEWERCLOUD-216 Add CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) file format support Feature VIEWERCLOUD-217 Add support for rendering PST file format Feature VIEWERCLOUD-218 Add support for rendering OST file format Feature VIEWERCLOUD-219 Obtaining start and end dates from MS Porject document Feature VIEWERCLOUD-224 Option for setting the list of fonts that should be excluded from HTML Feature VIEWERCLOUD-225 Add PCL file format support Feature VIEWERCLOUD-226 Add TSV (Tab-separated values) file format support Feature VIEWERCLOUD-228 Exclude CAD file formats from list of supported formats Feature VIEWERCLOUD-95 Photoshop file format (PSD) is not listed as supported file format Bug VIEWERCLOUD-208 Objects model schema is missing at apireference....6274443Z", "pages": [ { "number": 1, "name": "", "width": 2245...
Die REST-API für die Dokumentbearbeitung ermöglicht die Bearbeitung von Textverarbeitungsdokumenten, Tabellenkalkulationen, Präsentationen und Webdokumenten wie HTML in C#, Java, PHP, Python usw....slide_number = 0 loadResult = editApi.l...
اسناد Word (DOCX یا DOC) را با استفاده از REST API در ابر در پایتون با Document Conversion Cloud SDK برای پایتون به فایلهای PDF تبدیل کنید....from_page = 1; # start page number convertOptions.pages_count...convertOptions.pages = [1,2]; # page numbers to convert settings.convert_options...
La API REST de edición de documentos permite editar documentos de procesamiento de texto, hojas de cálculo, presentaciones y documentos web como HTML en C#, Java, PHP, Python, etc....slide_number = 0 loadResult = editApi.l...
GroupDocs.Signature for Cloud is a REST API to create, verify and search different type of Signatures objects to documents in your application...different options for page number, text and search criteria by...
Document Editing REST API umożliwia edytowanie dokumentów tekstowych, arkuszy kalkulacyjnych, prezentacji i dokumentów internetowych, takich jak HTML w C#, Java, PHP, Python itp....slide_number = 0 loadResult = editApi.l...
A API REST de edição de documentos permite a edição de documentos de processamento de texto, planilhas, apresentações e documentos da Web, como HTML em C#, Java, PHP, Python, etc....slide_number = 0 loadResult = editApi.l...
Редактирование документов REST API позволяет редактировать текстовые документы, электронные таблицы, презентации и веб-документы, такие как HTML на C#, Java, PHP, Python и т. д....slide_number = 0 loadResult = editApi.l...