Note Note: The features listed in this Page are supported only in GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud V1 Page contains description for option objects and object fields.
DocumentInfoOptions Provides options for retrieving attachment information.
Example DocumentInfoOptions object
{ "password": "document password", "attachmentPassword": "attachment password", "extractText": false, "renderComments": false, "renderHiddenPages": false, "defaultFontName": "font name", "transforms": [ "Rotate", "Reorder", "AddPrintAction" ], "watermark": { "text": "watermark text", "color": "Magenta", "position": "Diagonal", "size": 50 }, "cellsOptions": { "renderGridLines": false, "paginateSheets": false, "encoding": "utf-8", "internalHyperlinkPrefix": "prefix", "countRowsPerPage": 50, "textOverflowMode": "OverlayIfNextIsEmpty", "ignoreEmptyRows": false }, "cadOptions": { "scaleFactor": 50, "width": 600, "height": 800, "renderLayouts": true, "layoutName": "Master", "layers": ["Layer1"] }, "emailOptions": { "encoding": "utf-8" }, "wordsOptions": { "encoding": "utf-8", "renderTrackedChanges": false }, "pdfOptions": { "enablePreciseRendering": false, "enableInitialContentOrdering": false, "renderLayersSeparately": false }, "slidesOptions": { "renderNotes": false }, "projectOptions": { "pageSize": "unknown", "pageSize": "unknown" } } Info Object Fields (Click here to expand)...Us Contact Customers Legal Security Events Acquisition GroupDocs...