Java REST API & Cloud SDK To detect differences in the content, formatting, & styling of the cloud-hosted files. Accept/reject the document comparison changes....Microsoft OneNote®: ONE Microsoft Visio®: VDW, VDX, VSD, VSDML, VSDX...Imaging: DCM Markup: HTML, MHT, MHTML, XML Fixed Layout: PDF, XPS...
Java REST API & Cloud SDK To detect differences in the content, formatting, & styling of the cloud-hosted files. Accept/reject the document comparison changes....Microsoft OneNote®: ONE Microsoft Visio®: VDW, VDX, VSD, VSDML, VSDX...Imaging: DCM Markup: HTML, MHT, MHTML, XML Fixed Layout: PDF, XPS...
C# ASP.NET file viewer & rendering API. Add PDF viewer, Word viewer, Excel viewer, Image viewer, HTML viewer, Email viewer features in .NET apps....MHT, MHTML, XML Metafile: WMF, EMF, CGM, EMZ, WMZ Visio: VSD...
Java REST API & Cloud SDK To detect differences in the content, formatting, & styling of the cloud-hosted files. Accept/reject the document comparison changes....Microsoft OneNote®: ONE Microsoft Visio®: VDW, VDX, VSD, VSDML, VSDX...Imaging: DCM Markup: HTML, MHT, MHTML, XML Fixed Layout: PDF, XPS...
Java REST API & Cloud SDK To detect differences in the content, formatting, & styling of the cloud-hosted files. Accept/reject the document comparison changes....Microsoft OneNote®: ONE Microsoft Visio®: VDW, VDX, VSD, VSDML, VSDX...Imaging: DCM Markup: HTML, MHT, MHTML, XML Fixed Layout: PDF, XPS...
Java REST API & Cloud SDK To detect differences in the content, formatting, & styling of the cloud-hosted files. Accept/reject the document comparison changes....Microsoft OneNote®: ONE Microsoft Visio®: VDW, VDX, VSD, VSDML, VSDX...Imaging: DCM Markup: HTML, MHT, MHTML, XML Fixed Layout: PDF, XPS...
Java REST API & Cloud SDK To detect differences in the content, formatting, & styling of the cloud-hosted files. Accept/reject the document comparison changes....Microsoft OneNote®: ONE Microsoft Visio®: VDW, VDX, VSD, VSDML, VSDX...Imaging: DCM Markup: HTML, MHT, MHTML, XML Fixed Layout: PDF, XPS...