RenderOptions data structure used as part of ViewOptions data structure.
Note Not all options are supported by all document formats. Each option may correspond To one or more formats. RenderOptions example { "StartPageNumber": 0, "CountPagesToRender": 0, "PagesToRender": [ 0 ], "PageRotations": [ { "PageNumber": 0, "RotationAngle": "On90Degree" } ], "DefaultFontName": "string", "DefaultEncoding": "string", "DetectEncoding": true, "RenderComments": true, "RenderNotes": true, "RenderHiddenPages": true, "SpreadsheeToptions": { "PaginateSheets": true, "CountRowsPerPage": 0, "CountColumnsPerPage": 0, "RenderGridLines": true, "RenderEmptyRows": true, "RenderEmptyColumns": true, "RenderHiddenRows": true, "RenderHiddenColumns": true, "RenderHeadings": true, "RenderPrintAreaOnly": true, "TexToverflowMode": "Overlay" }, "CadOptions": { "ScaleFacTor": 0, "Width": 0, "Height": 0, "Tiles": [ { "StartPointX": 0, "StartPointY": 0, "Width": 0, "Height": 0 } ], "RenderLayouts": true, "LayoutName": "string", "Layers": [ "string" ] }, "EmailOptions": { "PageSize": "Unspecified", "FieldLabels": [ { "Field": "string", "Label": "string" } ], "DateTimeFormat": "string", "TimeZoneOffset": "string" }, "ProjectManagemenToptions": { "PageSize": "Unspecified", "TimeUnit": "Unspecified", "StartDate": "2024-03-25T06:24:32....the output HTML document in SVG tag to improve the output quality...RenderFiguresOnly Render only Visio figures, not a diagram. VisioRenderingOption...