Gweld, golygu, glanhau ac allforio eiddo metadata o'ch ffeiliau, delweddau, sain, fideo a dogfennau ar-lein am ddim: golygu unrhyw wybodaeth meta fel Awdur, Teitl, Pwnc a llawer mwy....EML OneNote: ONE Visio: VDX, VSD, VSDX, VSS, VSX Project: MPP...
Insert watermark in PPTX. Apply text or image watermarks with various settings. Protect and mark your PPTX with our tool....PPSX POTX PPTM PPSM POTM ODT VSD VSDX VSTX VSSX VSDM VSSM VSTM...
Insert watermark in DOCX. Apply text or image watermarks with various settings. Protect and mark your DOCX with our tool....PPSX POTX PPTM PPSM POTM ODT VSD VSDX VSTX VSSX VSDM VSSM VSTM...
View, edit, clean and export metadata properties from your files, images, audio, video and documents online free: edit any meta info like Author, Title, Subject and many more....EML OneNote: ONE Visio: VDX, VSD, VSDX, VSS, VSX Project: MPP...
Free online document search. Secure and easy to use full text online search in PDF, office documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and many more....POTX, PPSX, PPSM, PPTM Visio: VSD, VSS Project: MPP Outlook: MSG...
GroupDocs developer newsletter August 2017 describes API updates, new features, .NET and Java code examples within GroupDocs document manipulation APIs....provides support to annotate VSD and VSS Diagram file formats...
GroupDocs.Comparison Cloud REST APIs support document compare tools to compare source and destination files of supported formats to get high-quality output in quickly and reliably. To get a list of supported formats, You can use the below API.
Resource The following GroupDocs.Comparison Cloud REST API resource has been used in the Supported File Formats example.
cURL example Request curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "authorization: Bearer [Access Token]" Response { "formats": [ { "extension": "....vsd" , "fileFormat" : "Microsoft...
View and edit metadata properties in your PDF documents online: edit Author, Title, Subject, Company, Created and Modified dates and other properties. Provides full access to XMP metadata properties....TIF TIFF TORRENT TTF VCF VDX VSD VSDX VSS VSX WAV WEBP WMF XLS...
Watermark the documents with REST API using .NET or Java SDK. Features include; Add image or text watermarks, remove, replace or search watermarks.... PNG , TIFF , WEBP Drawings VSD , VDX , VSDX , VSTX , VSS , VSSX...