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  1. Licensing | Documentation

    Create Account For details on how to create a new account please check to Create a new Account. Apply Client ID and Client Secret For details on how to get CLient Id and Client Secret please check to Create New Application and Get Client ID and Client Secret. Free Plan Our free plan allows you to use Cloud APIs as you would normally. It only applies the limitation to the data that can be processed with the APIs....Assembly Product Solution GroupDocs...
  2. RemoveOptions | Documentation

    RemoveOptions structure defines options for removing document annotations FileInfo example { "FileInfo": { "FilePath": "string", "Password": "string" }, "AnnotationIds": [ 0 ], "OutputPath": "string" } FileInfo fields Name Description FileInfo Input file path and password. See FileInfo structure AnnotationIds Array of IDs of annotations to remove from the document. FirstPage Num of first page to annotate OnlyAnnotatedPages Indicates whether to save only annotated pages to output document OutputPath Path of output document...Assembly Product Solution GroupDocs...
  3. Supported Platforms | Documentation

    GroupDocs.Metadata Cloud is a REST API that can be used with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Python, Node.js and many more. You can use it with any language or platform that supports REST. (Almost all platforms and languages support REST and provide native REST clients to work with REST APIs). You do not need to worry about language or platform limitations. You can use it with any platform – web, desktop, mobile, and cloud....Assembly Product Solution GroupDocs...
  4. System requirements | Documentation

    Minimum requirements and prerequisites for developing applications with GroupDocs.Translation Cloud....Assembly Product Solution GroupDocs...
  5. zArchive on Document Automation REST APIs | Gro...

    zArchive on Document Automation REST APIs | GroupDocs Cloud Recent content in zArchive on Document Automation REST APIs | GroupDocs Cloud Prochaine version de GroupDocs.Assembly Cloud L'API RES......Assembly Cloud L'API REST GroupDocs.Assembly Cloud...
  6. Notiziario di febbraio 2014

    Integrazioni e nuovi esempi di API Cloud, rilasci e aggiornamenti dei prodotti e altro ancora nella nostra newsletter di febbraio 2014....NET Riferimenti ad assembly di terze parti ridondanti...interfaccia utente. GroupDocs.Assembly per la libreria .NET Nuova...
  7. Biuletyn GroupDocs, marzec 2017 — Aktualizacje ...

    Biuletyn dla programistów GroupDocs z maja 2017 r. opisuje aktualizacje interfejsów API, główne ulepszenia funkcji i poprawki błędów w interfejsach API do manipulowania dokumentami GroupDocs....Assembly for Java to interfejs API...poprawki funkcji. GroupDocs.Assembly for .NET 17.03 — obsługuje...
  8. Інформаційний бюлетень GroupDocs, березень 2017...

    Інформаційний бюлетень розробників GroupDocs за травень 2017 року описує оновлення API, основні вдосконалення функцій і виправлення помилок в API обробки документів GroupDocs....Assembly for Java — це API для автоматизації...виправлення функцій. GroupDocs.Assembly for .NET 17.03 – підтримує...
  9. Boletim de fevereiro de 2014

    Integrações e novas amostras de Cloud API, lançamentos e atualizações de produtos e muito mais em nosso boletim informativo de fevereiro de 2014....Assembly for .NET Library Uma biblioteca...engloba os recursos do GroupDocs.Assembly for Cloud App. Plataforma...
  10. Newsletter Februar 2014

    Integrationen und neue Cloud-API-Beispiele, Produktveröffentlichungen und -aktualisierungen und mehr in unserem Newsletter vom Februar 2014....Assembly für .NET-Bibliothek Eine ...die Funktionen der GroupDocs.Assembly für Cloud-App kapselt. GroupDocs...