Learn about CT FileFormat and APIs that can create and open CT Files....What is a CT file? A CT (Continuous Tone) file is a raster image...image file used by Scitex graphics processing equipment. Several...
Learn about CPI Codepage InFormation FileFormat and APIs that can create and open CPI Files....this Page What is a CPI file? A .cpi file, in context of Microsoft...“Code Page Information File.” These files contain information about...
Learn about USR Format and APIs that can create and open USR Files....Page What is a USR file? The “.usr” file extension is also related...data in a format known as “User Data Format” (USR format) which...
Learn about what is an ASR File and APIs that can create and open ASR Files....is an ASR file? An ASR file is an ActionScript file created with...been discontinued long ago. ASR file contains script written in the...
Learn about SVR FileFormat and APIs that can create and open SVR Files....What is an SVR file? An SVR file is a 3D fileformat used by SuperScape...plugin. SVR files are similar to VRT fileformat but are compressed...
Learn about XSMX File and APIs that can create and open XSMX Files....is an XSMX file? An XSMX file is a questionnaire file created with...submit the result back as XMDX file. ExamSoft provides assessment...
Learn about OVPN Format and APIs that can create and open OVPN Files....is an OVPN file? An ovpn file is a configuration file used by OpenVPN...service provider, content of ovpn file can change, but normally it...
Learn about what is an ARO File and APIs that can create and open ARO Files....an ARO file? An ARO file is a server side web page file that is...these to user’s browser. ARO files contain almost 95% of HTML content...
Learn about MSCZ Format and APIs that can create and open MSCZ Files....Page What is a MSCZ file? The .mscz fileformat is primarily associated...music. The .mscz fileformat is default fileformat used by MuseScore...
Learn about KINE FileFormat and APIs that can create and open KINE Files....What is a KINE file? A KINE file is a project file used by the KineMaster...such as the timeline, media files used, effects applied, and audio...