Rotate pages in your PowerPoint. Without registration and captcha. It's secure and private.... Images generator Change Fonts Rotate PowerPoint pages online...
Proteja seus arquivos do Excel com proteção por senha usando a API REST do Excel Spreadsheet Password Protector. Guia passo a passo para proteção de senha.... O código-fonte completo do Python SDK está...
Get the File Listing of a Specific Folder This API allows you to get a list of all files of a specific folder from the specified Cloud Storage. If you do not pass storage name API will find the folder in GroupDocs Cloud Storage.
API Explorer GroupDocs.Translation Cloud API Reference lets you try out List Files in a Folder API right away in your browser. It allows you to effortlessly interact and try out every single operation that our APIs expose....vsd" }, { "name": "uses-custom-font.pptx", "isFolder": false, "modifiedDate":..."path": "/editordocs/uses-custom-font.pptx" }, { "name": "with-hi...
Çeşitli dosya biçimlerinde e-İmzaları uygulamak, doğrulamak ve aramak için İmza REST API'leri. Çeşitli elektronik imza çeşitlerini destekler..."Pixels","SignAllPages": false,"Font": {"FontFamily": "Times New..."MarginMeasureType": "Pixels", "Font": { "FontFamily": "Times New...
Signature REST API untuk menerapkan, memverifikasi & mencari tanda tangan elektronik dalam berbagai format file. Mendukung beragam jenis tanda tangan elektronik..."Pixels","SignAllPages": false,"Font": {"FontFamily": "Times New..."MarginMeasureType": "Pixels", "Font": { "FontFamily": "Times New...
Підписи REST API для застосування, перевірки та пошуку електронних підписів у різних форматах файлів. Підтримує різні варіанти електронних підписів..."Pixels","SignAllPages": false,"Font": {"FontFamily": "Times New..."MarginMeasureType": "Pixels", "Font": { "FontFamily": "Times New...
Documentos mesclando API para Java. Mescle, divida, troque, reordene e exclua páginas de formatos PDF, Microsoft Word, Excel, apresentações, Visio, XPS e EPUB....aprendizagem Documentação Código fonte Referências de API Tutoriais...