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groupdocs total cloud

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  1. Working with DSV Documents | Documentation

    DSV (Delimiter-Separated Values) documents are a specific form of text-based spreadsheets with delimiters (separators). There several steps that usage of Groupdocs.Editor Cloud consists of: Upload input document into Cloud storage Load the document into editable representation in the Cloud storage (HTML file and resources) Download HTML document (and resources, if needed) from storage Edit HTML document at client side Upload HTML document back into the storage Save the edited document into Spreadsheet format in the storage Download saved document Steps 1, 3, 4, 5 are storage operations, please refer to this Storage Operations) for usage details....Navigation Products GroupDocs.Total Product Family GroupDocs.Viewer Product...Solution GroupDocs.Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs.Conversion...
  2. Sending texts for processing | Documentation

    How to send texts for processing to the selected language....Navigation Products GroupDocs.Total Product Family GroupDocs.Viewer Product...Solution GroupDocs.Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs.Conversion...
  3. Parse by Template Stored in User Storage | Docu...

    This REST API allows extracting document’s fields and tables defined in a template file saved in user storage and specified by template path. The following example demonstrates how to extract data from a source document by a saved template. Here you can see how to parse text fields by regular expressions and a table inside the document. Resource The following Groupdocs.Parser Cloud REST API resource has been used in the Parse by Template Store in User Storage example....Navigation Products GroupDocs.Total Product Family GroupDocs.Viewer Product...Solution GroupDocs.Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs.Conversion...
  4. Fonts Resource | Documentation

    Get Installed Fonts Note Note: The features listed on this page are supported only in Groupdocs.Viewer Cloud V1 Groupdocs.Viewer Cloud REST APIs support to get the installed fonts resource from the API server. API returns list of installed fonts. The following Groupdocs.Viewer Cloud REST API resource has been used in the Get Fonts Resource example. cURL example Request curl -v "https://api.Groupdocs.Cloud/v1.0/viewer/fonts?appsid#XXXX&signature#XXX-XX" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET -d "{}" Response { "families": [ { "name": "Aharoni" }, { "name": "Aldhabi" }, { "name": "Algerian" }, { "name": "Andalus" }, { "name": "Angsana New" }, { "name": "AngsanaUPC" }, { "name": "Aparajita" }, { "name": "Arabic Typesetting" }, { "name": "Arial" }, { "name": "Arial Black" }, { "name": "Arial Unicode MS" }, { "name": "Baskerville Old Face" }, { "name": "Batang" }, { "name": "BatangChe" }, { "name": "Book Antiqua" }, { "name": "Bookman Old Style" }, { "name": "Browallia New" }, { "name": "BrowalliaUPC" }, { "name": "Calibri" }, { "name": "Calibri Light" }, { "name": "Calisto MT" }, { "name": "Cambria" }, { "name": "Cambria Math" }, { "name": "Candara" }, { "name": "Century Gothic" }, { "name": "Century Schoolbook" }, { "name": "Comic Sans MS" }, { "name": "Consolas" }, { "name": "Constantia" }, { "name": "Corbel" }, { "name": "Cordia New" }, { "name": "CordiaUPC" }, { "name": "Courier New" }, { "name": "DaunPenh" }, { "name": "David" }, { "name": "DFKai-SB" }, { "name": "DilleniaUPC" }, { "name": "DokChampa" }, { "name": "Dotum" }, { "name": "DotumChe" }, { "name": "Ebrima" }, { "name": "Estrangelo Edessa" }, { "name": "EucrosiaUPC" }, { "name": "Euphemia" }, { "name": "FangSong" }, { "name": "Franklin Gothic Medium" }, { "name": "FrankRuehl" }, { "name": "Free 3 of 9 Extended" }, { "name": "FreesiaUPC" }, { "name": "Gabriola" }, { "name": "Gadugi" }, { "name": "Garamond" }, { "name": "Gautami" }, { "name": "Georgia" }, { "name": "Gisha" }, { "name": "Gulim" }, { "name": "GulimChe" }, { "name": "Gungsuh" }, { "name": "GungsuhChe" }, { "name": "Impact" }, { "name": "IrisUPC" }, { "name": "Iskoola Pota" }, { "name": "JasmineUPC" }, { "name": "KaiTi" }, { "name": "Kalinga" }, { "name": "Kartika" }, { "name": "Khmer UI" }, { "name": "KodchiangUPC" }, { "name": "Kokila" }, { "name": "Lao UI" }, { "name": "Latha" }, { "name": "Leelawadee" }, { "name": "Levenim MT" }, { "name": "Liberation Serif" }, { "name": "LilyUPC" }, { "name": "Lucida Console" }, { "name": "Lucida Grande" }, { "name": "Lucida Sans Unicode" }, { "name": "Malgun Gothic" }, { "name": "Mangal" }, { "name": "Marlett" }, { "name": "Meiryo" }, { "name": "Meiryo UI" }, { "name": "Microsoft Himalaya" }, { "name": "Microsoft JhengHei" }, { "name": "Microsoft JhengHei UI" }, { "name": "Microsoft New Tai Lue" }, { "name": "Microsoft PhagsPa" }, { "name": "Microsoft Sans Serif" }, { "name": "Microsoft Tai Le" }, { "name": "Microsoft Uighur" }, { "name": "Microsoft YaHei" }, { "name": "Microsoft YaHei UI" }, { "name": "Microsoft Yi Baiti" }, { "name": "MingLiU" }, { "name": "MingLiU-ExtB" }, { "name": "MingLiU_HKSCS" }, { "name": "MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB" }, { "name": "Miriam" }, { "name": "Miriam Fixed" }, { "name": "Mongolian Baiti" }, { "name": "Monotype Corsiva" }, { "name": "MoolBoran" }, { "name": "MS Gothic" }, { "name": "MS Mincho" }, { "name": "MS PGothic" }, { "name": "MS PMincho" }, { "name": "MS UI Gothic" }, { "name": "MV Boli" }, { "name": "Myanmar Text" }, { "name": "Narkisim" }, { "name": "Nirmala UI" }, { "name": "NSimSun" }, { "name": "Nyala" }, { "name": "Palatino Linotype" }, { "name": "Plantagenet Cherokee" }, { "name": "PMingLiU" }, { "name": "PMingLiU-ExtB" }, { "name": "Raavi" }, { "name": "Rod" }, { "name": "Sakkal Majalla" }, { "name": "Segoe Print" }, { "name": "Segoe Script" }, { "name": "Segoe UI" }, { "name": "Segoe UI Light" }, { "name": "Segoe UI Semibold" }, { "name": "Segoe UI Semilight" }, { "name": "Segoe UI Symbol" }, { "name": "Shonar Bangla" }, { "name": "Shruti" }, { "name": "SimHei" }, { "name": "Simplified Arabic" }, { "name": "Simplified Arabic Fixed" }, { "name": "SimSun" }, { "name": "SimSun-ExtB" }, { "name": "Sylfaen" }, { "name": "Symbol" }, { "name": "Tahoma" }, { "name": "Times New Roman" }, { "name": "Traditional Arabic" }, { "name": "Trebuchet MS" }, { "name": "Tunga" }, { "name": "Tw Cen MT" }, { "name": "Tw Cen MT Condensed" }, { "name": "Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold" }, { "name": "Ubuntu" }, { "name": "Ubuntu Condensed" }, { "name": "Ubuntu Light" }, { "name": "Ubuntu Mono" }, { "name": "Univers 45 Light" }, { "name": "Univers 47 CondensedLight" }, { "name": "Univers 55" }, { "name": "Univers 57 Condensed" }, { "name": "Univers Extended" }, { "name": "Univers ExtraBlack" }, { "name": "Univers ExtraBlackExt" }, { "name": "Univers LightUltraCondensed" }, { "name": "Univers ThinUltraCondensed" }, { "name": "Univers UltraCondensed" }, { "name": "Urdu Typesetting" }, { "name": "Utsaah" }, { "name": "Vani" }, { "name": "Verdana" }, { "name": "Vijaya" }, { "name": "Vrinda" }, { "name": "Webdings" }, { "name": "Wingdings" } ] SDKs The API is completely independent of your operating system, database system or development language....Navigation Products GroupDocs.Total Product Family GroupDocs.Viewer Product...Solution GroupDocs.Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs.Conversion...
  5. Dokument Samesmelting Aanlyn | Gratis GroupDocs...

    Gratis aanlyn lêer samesmelting. Voeg lêers saam in enkele lêer. 100% gratis aanlyn dokument GroupDocs produkte Samesmelting App Voeg saam lêers Dokument...Aangedryf deur en . Blaai deur lêers...
  6. Change Page Orientation | Documentation

    This REST API allows setting Portrait or Landscape page orientation for specific or all document pages. The result is a new document that has orientation changed for specified pages. There are several ways to specify desired page numbers: Provide exact page numbers via Pages collection; Specify pages range start/end page numbers. There is also an ability to get only even/odd pages from the specified page range by setting RangeMode property. For protected documents, it is also required to provide a password....Navigation Products GroupDocs.Total Product Family GroupDocs.Viewer Product...Solution GroupDocs.Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs.Conversion...
  7. Join Document Pages | Documentation

    This REST API allows merging the source document with specific document pages from joined documents into one resultant document by specifying desired page numbers or page ranges. There are several ways to specify page numbers needed from each document: Provide exact page numbers via Pages collection; Specify pages range start/end page numbers. There is also an ability to get only even/odd pages from the specified page range by setting RangeMode property....Navigation Products GroupDocs.Total Product Family GroupDocs.Viewer Product...Solution GroupDocs.Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs.Conversion...
  8. Rendering Email Messages | Documentation

    Note Note: The features listed in this page are supported only in Groupdocs.Viewer Cloud V1 When rendering email messages by Groupdocs.Viewer uses English language to render field labels such as (From, To, Subject etc.). To change field labels you can set FieldLabels on EmailOptions class. Viewer supports following field labels: Field Label Anniversary Anniversary Bcc Bcc Birthday Birthday Business Business Business Address Business Address Business Fax Business Fax BusinessHomepage BusinessHomepage Company Company Department Department Email Email Email Display As Email Display As Email2 Email2 Email2 Display As Email2 Display As Email3 Email3 Email3 Display As Email3 Display As End End First Name First Name From From Full Name Full Name Gender Gender Hobbies Hobbies Home Address Home Address Importance Importance Job Title Job Title Last Name Last Name Location Location Middle Name Middle Name Mobile Mobile Organizer Organizer Other Address Other Address PersonalHomepage PersonalHomepage Profession Profession Recurrence Recurrence Recurrence Pattern Recurrence Pattern Required Attendees Required Attendees Sent Sent Show Time As Show Time As Spouse/Partner Spouse/Partner Start Start Subject Subject To To User Field 1 User Field 1 User Field 2 User Field 2 User Field 3 User Field 3 User Field 4 User Field 4 The following Groupdocs....Navigation Products GroupDocs.Total Product Family GroupDocs.Viewer Product...Solution GroupDocs.Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs.Conversion...
  9. Move Pages | Documentation

    This REST API provides a move page feature that allows you to manipulate page ordering by moving any page(s) to a new position within a document. For moving page to a new position, it’s needed to specify current and new page numbers along with the path to document in storage. For protected documents, it is also required to provide a password. The table below contains the full list of properties that can be specified while moving document pages....Navigation Products GroupDocs.Total Product Family GroupDocs.Viewer Product...Solution GroupDocs.Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs.Conversion...
  10. Can't convert password protected xls and ppt - ...

    Hello, In the latest Groupdocs version, I tried to convert password protected ppt and xls and got the following error: {“requestId”:“b2d6ca33-0e4c-45c8-a27e-de224cc99dff”,“error”:{“code”:“internalError”,“message”:“Conv…...protected xls and ppt GroupDocs.Total Cloud Product Family danibk...11:31pm 1 Hello, In the latest GroupDocs version, I tried to convert...