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metadata properties

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  1. 在 Node.js 中使用 REST API 比較 PDF 文件 | PDF比較SDK

    使用適用於 Java 的元數據操作 Cloud SDK 在 Java 中使用雲上的 REST API 以編程方式提取 MP3 文件的元數據...Metadata Cloud 的 Java SDK API 來提取 MP3...的 Java 應用程序中輕鬆使用 GroupDocs.Metadata Cloud。 <repository> <id>g...
  2. Add Text Watermarks | Documentation

    This REST API allows adding text watermarks to the document. With this API you can add watermarks with following features: For a text watermark, you can use various text options like Font, Size, Style, Foreground and Background colors, etc.; There are many watermark positioning and transforming Properties; There are format-specific options. These options allow to leverage specific format features and often allow to make watermarks stronger; For protected documents, it is required to provide the password....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...positioning and transforming properties; There are format-specific...
  3. Working with Text Documents | Documentation

    Textual documents are simple Plain Text flat files (TXT), that contain no images, pages, paragraphs, lists, tables and so on. However, users can create some primitive formatting like lists with leading markers, left indents with whitespaces, tables with pseudo-graphics, paragraphs with line breaks, and so on. GroupDocs.Editor Cloud can recognize some of these structures. Other non-obvious feature, that GroupDocs.Editor Cloud provides, is the ability to save edited TXT document not only back to TXT, but also to WordProcessing....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...the browser. The following properties of loading Text documents...
  4. groupdocs_editor_cloud-21.7-py3-none-any.whl

    groupdocs_editor_cloud/ # coding: utf-8 # flake8: noqa from __future__ import absolute_import # import apis from groupdocs_editor_cloud.apis.file_api import FileApi from groupdocs_editor......join() @property def user_agent(self): """User...swagger model, return the properties dict. :param obj: The data...
  5. groupdocs_editor_cloud-19.11-py3-none-any.whl

    groupdocs_editor_cloud/ # coding: utf-8 # flake8: noqa from __future__ import absolute_import # import apis from groupdocs_editor_cloud.apis.file_api import FileApi from groupdocs_editor......join() @property def user_agent(self): """User...swagger model, return the properties dict. :param obj: The data...
  6. Drupal Document Viewer Module | GroupDocs

    GroupDocs.Conversion for Java API is UI-Agnostic and no additional tool or service is required, developers can integrate it in their existing projects as adding more options and properties to text, image or digital...Mirosoft Word fields. GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET 16.10.0 – 9 Features...
  7. Sign PDF with Stamp using REST API in Node.js |...

    Programmatically Sign PDF documents with Stamp signatures using REST API on the cloud in Node.js with GroupDocs.Signature Cloud SDK for Node.js....SignDigitalOptions object and set various properties. Define stamp text using...Product Family (16) GroupDocs.Metadata Cloud Product Family (4) GroupDocs...
  8. groupdocs_viewer_cloud-19.5-py3-none-any.whl

    groupdocs_viewer_cloud/ # coding: utf-8 # flake8: noqa from __future__ import absolute_import # import apis from groupdocs_viewer_cloud.apis.file_api import FileApi from groupdocs_viewer......join() @property def user_agent(self): """User...swagger model, return the properties dict. :param obj: The data...
  9. 在 Node.js 中使用 REST API 比较 PDF 文件 | PDF比较SDK

    使用适用于 Java 的元数据操作 Cloud SDK 在 Java 中使用云上的 REST API 以编程方式提取 MP3 文件的元数据...Metadata Cloud 的 Java SDK API 来提取 MP3...的 Java 应用程序中轻松使用 GroupDocs.Metadata Cloud。 <repository> <id>g...
  10. groupdocs-viewer-cloud-21.12.tar.gz

    groupdocs-viewer-cloud-21.12.tar groupdocs-viewer-cloud-21.12/LICENSE The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2003-2019 Aspose Pty Ltd Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtain......12/PKG-INFO Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: groupdocs-viewer-cloud...close() self.pool.join() @property def user_agent(self): """User...