REST APIs for documents & images conversion via Java. Convert between PDF, Microsoft Word, Excel, PPTX, Project, HTML, email and images....perform document conversions on a number of document formats. It converts...
REST APIs for documents & images conversion via Java. Convert between PDF, Microsoft Word, Excel, PPTX, Project, HTML, email and images....perform document conversions on a number of document formats. It converts...
Програмно анотуйте файли DOCX за допомогою REST API у хмарі на Python за допомогою Document Annotation Cloud SDK для Python....page_number = 0 a1.pen_color = = 100 a1.page_number = 0 a1.pen_color = 1201033...
Programowo dodawaj adnotacje do plików DOCX przy użyciu interfejsu API REST w chmurze w języku Python za pomocą zestawu Document Annotation Cloud SDK dla języka Python....page_number = 0 a1.pen_color = = 100 a1.page_number = 0 a1.pen_color = 1201033...
In the latest GroupDocs version, I tried to convert password protected ppt and xls and got the following error:
{“requestId”:“b2d6ca33-0e4c-45c8-a27e-de224cc99dff”,“error”:{“code”:“internalError”,“message”:“Conv…...the progress using the ticket number you gave me. This issue is...can you provide us the image number before the change with the...
Hey Tilal,
Thanks for reaching out to me, i really appreciate it. I was able to resolve the issue by correcting the storage and paths. But there’s an underlying problem that I am facing right now. I am uploading both th…...JS how can i select the Page number where i need to place the seal...JS how can i select the Page number where i need to place the seal...
Databases of the National Library CR Base: AUT Logout | Login | Databases | Preferences | Feedback | Help Search / Br......func=direct&doc_number=000114390&local_base=AUT System...
I started to use the .NET SDK for the Cloud API
Reading documentation and looking at the objects in the SDK, I expected the response object “Pages” to return page index + text
I managed to get the data back by page, by…...without limit it to any specific number of pages (I don’t know the...
There 18 features and fixes in this release: Added support of Quality option when rendering Microsoft Project documents as Image, option to render only Print Area, enable rendering of hidden content...monthly release includes a number of new features and improvements...