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  1. Evaluate GroupDocs.Editor Cloud | Documentation

    You can evaluate GroupDocs.Editor REST APIs by creating a free trial account at dashboard. The free trial will give you a good idea of the service’s capabilities and let you do some early development.Please check the GroupDocs.Cloud document Page for more details.... Was this page helpful? Not really Yes, thanks...tell us how we can improve this page. Skip Send Thank you for your...
  2. Features Overview | Documentation

    GroupDocs.Metadata Cloud is a powerful and easy to use metadata management REST API which allows users to read and edit metadata associated with various document, image, audio, video and many other formats. The API also provides operations to extract metadata, add, search, modify and remove metadata in supported file formats. Below you may find an overview for the most valuable features. Extracting Metadata Using the GroupDocs.Metadata Cloud you can extract desired metadata properties from files of different types....Overview Leave feedback On this page GroupDocs.Metadata Cloud is...information about document and its pages, retrieve metadata tags information...
  3. Rearrange Word pages in Java

    Document Automation APIs along with open-source SDKs to enhance Java, Python, Node.js, C# .NET, Ruby, C++, and PHP applications to view, edit, annotate, convert, compare, e-sign, parse, split, merge, extract, redact, watermark, metadata, paraphrase, classify, repair, and translate documents of almost all the popular file formats....reorder, and rearrange Word file pages. This process can be time-consuming...developers can simplify and automate page rearrangement in Word documents...
  4. Working with Presentations | Documentation

    Presentation documents are presented by many formats: PPT, PPTX, PPTM, PPS(X/M), POT(X/M) and others, which are supported by GroupDocs.Editor Cloud as a separate format family among all others. Same as for all other family formats, the Presentation family has its own load and saves options. There several steps that usage of GroupDocs.Editor Cloud consists of: Upload input document into cloud storage Load the document into editable representation in the cloud storage (HTML file and resources) Download HTML document (and resources, if needed) from storage Edit HTML document at client side Upload HTML document back into the storage Save the edited document into Spreadsheet format in the storage Download saved document Steps 1, 3, 4, 5 are storage operations, please refer to this Storage Operations) for usage details....Presentations Leave feedback On this page are presented by many formats:...Ruby Node.js Python Was this page helpful? Not really Yes, thanks...
  5. Inspiration Library | Algolia

    See real examples of how Algolia customers are using our platform to power their search & discovery experiences, and how you can use them to grow your own ROI....Tools Integrations Impacted Page Languages We didn’t find any...
  6. GroupDocs.Watermark Cloud 22.12 Release Notes |...

    This Page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Watermark Cloud 22.12 Major Features Implemented Padding property in TextWatermark class for image files Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Category Summary WATERMARKCLOUD-182 Implemented Padding property in TextWatermark class for image files Improvement API examples and documentation There is no API changes in this release...12 Release Notes This page contains release notes for GroupDocs...
  7. GroupDocs.Editor Cloud 21.7 Release Notes | Gro...

    This Page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Editor Cloud 21.7 Major Features Maintanence release with bug fixes Improved error handling in SDKs List of issues covering changes in this release Key Summary Category EDITORCLOUD-44 Check and fix error handling in SDKs and samples Improvement API examples and documentation [GroupDocs Editor Cloud API Examples and documentation»path:/editorcloud/)...7 Release Notes This page contains release notes for GroupDocs...
  8. Fonts Resource | Documentation

    Get Installed Fonts Note Note: The features listed on this Page are supported only in GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud V1 GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud REST APIs support to get the installed fonts resource from the API server. API returns list of installed fonts. The following GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud REST API resource has been used in the Get Fonts Resource example. cURL example Request curl -v "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET -d "{}" Response { "families": [ { "name": "Aharoni" }, { "name": "Aldhabi" }, { "name": "Algerian" }, { "name": "Andalus" }, { "name": "Angsana New" }, { "name": "AngsanaUPC" }, { "name": "Aparajita" }, { "name": "Arabic Typesetting" }, { "name": "Arial" }, { "name": "Arial Black" }, { "name": "Arial Unicode MS" }, { "name": "Baskerville Old Face" }, { "name": "Batang" }, { "name": "BatangChe" }, { "name": "Book Antiqua" }, { "name": "Bookman Old Style" }, { "name": "Browallia New" }, { "name": "BrowalliaUPC" }, { "name": "Calibri" }, { "name": "Calibri Light" }, { "name": "Calisto MT" }, { "name": "Cambria" }, { "name": "Cambria Math" }, { "name": "Candara" }, { "name": "Century Gothic" }, { "name": "Century Schoolbook" }, { "name": "Comic Sans MS" }, { "name": "Consolas" }, { "name": "Constantia" }, { "name": "Corbel" }, { "name": "Cordia New" }, { "name": "CordiaUPC" }, { "name": "Courier New" }, { "name": "DaunPenh" }, { "name": "David" }, { "name": "DFKai-SB" }, { "name": "DilleniaUPC" }, { "name": "DokChampa" }, { "name": "Dotum" }, { "name": "DotumChe" }, { "name": "Ebrima" }, { "name": "Estrangelo Edessa" }, { "name": "EucrosiaUPC" }, { "name": "Euphemia" }, { "name": "FangSong" }, { "name": "Franklin Gothic Medium" }, { "name": "FrankRuehl" }, { "name": "Free 3 of 9 Extended" }, { "name": "FreesiaUPC" }, { "name": "Gabriola" }, { "name": "Gadugi" }, { "name": "Garamond" }, { "name": "Gautami" }, { "name": "Georgia" }, { "name": "Gisha" }, { "name": "Gulim" }, { "name": "GulimChe" }, { "name": "Gungsuh" }, { "name": "GungsuhChe" }, { "name": "Impact" }, { "name": "IrisUPC" }, { "name": "Iskoola Pota" }, { "name": "JasmineUPC" }, { "name": "KaiTi" }, { "name": "Kalinga" }, { "name": "Kartika" }, { "name": "Khmer UI" }, { "name": "KodchiangUPC" }, { "name": "Kokila" }, { "name": "Lao UI" }, { "name": "Latha" }, { "name": "Leelawadee" }, { "name": "Levenim MT" }, { "name": "Liberation Serif" }, { "name": "LilyUPC" }, { "name": "Lucida Console" }, { "name": "Lucida Grande" }, { "name": "Lucida Sans Unicode" }, { "name": "Malgun Gothic" }, { "name": "Mangal" }, { "name": "Marlett" }, { "name": "Meiryo" }, { "name": "Meiryo UI" }, { "name": "Microsoft Himalaya" }, { "name": "Microsoft JhengHei" }, { "name": "Microsoft JhengHei UI" }, { "name": "Microsoft New Tai Lue" }, { "name": "Microsoft PhagsPa" }, { "name": "Microsoft Sans Serif" }, { "name": "Microsoft Tai Le" }, { "name": "Microsoft Uighur" }, { "name": "Microsoft YaHei" }, { "name": "Microsoft YaHei UI" }, { "name": "Microsoft Yi Baiti" }, { "name": "MingLiU" }, { "name": "MingLiU-ExtB" }, { "name": "MingLiU_HKSCS" }, { "name": "MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB" }, { "name": "Miriam" }, { "name": "Miriam Fixed" }, { "name": "Mongolian Baiti" }, { "name": "Monotype Corsiva" }, { "name": "MoolBoran" }, { "name": "MS Gothic" }, { "name": "MS Mincho" }, { "name": "MS PGothic" }, { "name": "MS PMincho" }, { "name": "MS UI Gothic" }, { "name": "MV Boli" }, { "name": "Myanmar Text" }, { "name": "Narkisim" }, { "name": "Nirmala UI" }, { "name": "NSimSun" }, { "name": "Nyala" }, { "name": "Palatino Linotype" }, { "name": "Plantagenet Cherokee" }, { "name": "PMingLiU" }, { "name": "PMingLiU-ExtB" }, { "name": "Raavi" }, { "name": "Rod" }, { "name": "Sakkal Majalla" }, { "name": "Segoe Print" }, { "name": "Segoe Script" }, { "name": "Segoe UI" }, { "name": "Segoe UI Light" }, { "name": "Segoe UI Semibold" }, { "name": "Segoe UI Semilight" }, { "name": "Segoe UI Symbol" }, { "name": "Shonar Bangla" }, { "name": "Shruti" }, { "name": "SimHei" }, { "name": "Simplified Arabic" }, { "name": "Simplified Arabic Fixed" }, { "name": "SimSun" }, { "name": "SimSun-ExtB" }, { "name": "Sylfaen" }, { "name": "Symbol" }, { "name": "Tahoma" }, { "name": "Times New Roman" }, { "name": "Traditional Arabic" }, { "name": "Trebuchet MS" }, { "name": "Tunga" }, { "name": "Tw Cen MT" }, { "name": "Tw Cen MT Condensed" }, { "name": "Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold" }, { "name": "Ubuntu" }, { "name": "Ubuntu Condensed" }, { "name": "Ubuntu Light" }, { "name": "Ubuntu Mono" }, { "name": "Univers 45 Light" }, { "name": "Univers 47 CondensedLight" }, { "name": "Univers 55" }, { "name": "Univers 57 Condensed" }, { "name": "Univers Extended" }, { "name": "Univers ExtraBlack" }, { "name": "Univers ExtraBlackExt" }, { "name": "Univers LightUltraCondensed" }, { "name": "Univers ThinUltraCondensed" }, { "name": "Univers UltraCondensed" }, { "name": "Urdu Typesetting" }, { "name": "Utsaah" }, { "name": "Vani" }, { "name": "Verdana" }, { "name": "Vijaya" }, { "name": "Vrinda" }, { "name": "Webdings" }, { "name": "Wingdings" } ] SDKs The API is completely independent of your operating system, database system or development language....Resource Leave feedback On this page Get Installed Fonts Note Note:...The features listed on this page are supported only in GroupDocs...
  9. Working with WordProcessing Documents | Documen...

    WordProcessing is the most used and known document family format, that includes DOC, DOT, DOCX, DOCM, DOTX, ODT, RTF and much more. All these formats are supported by the GroupDocs.Editor Cloud. There several steps that usage of GroupDocs.Editor Cloud consists of: Upload input document into cloud storage Load the document into editable representation in the cloud storage (HTML file and resources) Download HTML document (and resources, if needed) from storage Edit HTML document at client side Upload HTML document back into the storage Save the edited document into WordProcessing format in the storage Download saved document Steps 1, 3, 4, 5 are storage operations, please refer to this Storage Operations) for usage details....Documents Leave feedback On this page is the most used and known document...'FilePath': 'WordProcessing/four-pages.docx' }, 'OutputPath': 'Output'...
  10. Quick Start | Documentation

    Obtain security credentials and proceed with three steps of the Report Generation process to demonstrate GroupDocs Assembly Cloud API within a few minutes....Start Leave feedback On this page This section is intended to...would look as follows: Was this page helpful? Not really Yes, thanks...