ComparisonOptions data structure defines comparison options
ComparisonOptions example:
{ "SourceFile": { "FilePath": "string", "VersionId": "string", "StorageName": "string", "Password": "string" }, "TargetFiles": [ { "FilePath": "string", "VersionId": "string", "StorageName": "string", "Password": "string" } ], "Settings": { "GenerateSummaryPage": true, "ShowDeletedContent": true, "ShowInsertedContent": true, "StyleChangeDetection": true, "InsertedItemsStyle": { "FontColor": "string", "HighlightColor": "string", "BeginSeparatorString": "string", "EndSeparatorString": "string", "Bold": true, "Italic": true, "StrikeThrough": true, "Underline": true }, "DeletedItemsStyle": { "FontColor": "string", "HighlightColor": "string", "BeginSeparatorString": "string", "EndSeparatorString": "string", "Bold": true, "Italic": true, "StrikeThrough": true, "Underline": true }, "ChangedItemsStyle": { "FontColor": "string", "HighlightColor": "string", "BeginSeparatorString": "string", "EndSeparatorString": "string", "Bold": true, "Italic": true, "StrikeThrough": true, "Underline": true }, "WordsSeparatorChars": [ "string" ], "UseFramesForDelInsElements": true, "CalculateComponentCoordinates": true, "MarkChangedContent": true, "MarkNestedContent": true, "MetaData": { "Author": "string", "LastSaveBy": "string", "Company": "string" }, "Password": "string", "DiagramMasterSetting": { "MasterPath": "string", "UseSourceMaster": true }, "OriginalSize": { "Width": 0, "Height": 0 }, "HeaderFootersComparison": true, "SensitivityOfComparison": 0 }, "OutputPath": "string" } Name Description SourceFile Information about source file TargetFiles An array of Information about target file(s) Settings Comparison settings ChangeType Changes type....will not be saved) Was this page helpful? Not really Yes, thanks...tell us how we can improve this page. Skip Send Thank you for your...