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powerpoint annotation

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  1. GroupDocs-Newsletter Juli 2017 – Aktualisierung...

    Der GroupDocs-Entwicklernewsletter vom Juli 2017 beschreibt API-Updates, wichtige Funktionserweiterungen und Fehlerbehebungen innerhalb der GroupDocs-APIs zur Dokumentbearbeitung....Microsoft Word-, Excel-, PowerPoint-, OpenDocument ODT-, PDF-...GroupDocs.Annotation für .NET unterstützt jetzt die Annotation von...
  2. GetSimple Web サイト上の PDF、Office、画像ファイルに注釈を付ける

    GetSimple Web サイトにドキュメント注釈機能を追加します。50 を超えるファイル形式、14 を超えるマークアップ ツール、マルチユーザー注釈セッションなどのサポート。...Annotation for .NET ライブラリ をシームレスに統合...Word ドキュメント、Excel スプレッドシート、PowerPoint プレゼンテーション、CAD 図面、ラスター イメージ...
  3. Document Automation REST APIs | GroupDocs Cloud

    Document Automation APIs along with open-source SDKs to enhance Java, Python, Node.js, C# .NET, Ruby, C++, and PHP applications to view, edit, annotate, convert, compare, e-sign, parse, split, merge, extract, redact, watermark, metadata, paraphrase, classify, repair, and translate documents of almost all the popular file formats....Annotation, son kullanıcıların herhangi...bir uygulamadır. GroupDocs.Annotation, herhangi bir 3. taraf web...
  4. Document Automation REST APIs | GroupDocs Cloud

    Document Automation APIs along with open-source SDKs to enhance Java, Python, Node.js, C# .NET, Ruby, C++, and PHP applications to view, edit, annotate, convert, compare, e-sign, parse, split, merge, extract, redact, watermark, metadata, paraphrase, classify, repair, and translate documents of almost all the popular file formats....Viewer for Java، GroupDocs Annotation for .NET, GroupDocs Signature...های قابل دانلود GroupDocs’ Annotation، GroupDocs Comparison و GroupDocs...
  5. Newsletter GroupDocs Edizione novembre 2017 – A...

    La newsletter per sviluppatori di GroupDocs di novembre 2017 descrive gli aggiornamenti API, i principali miglioramenti delle funzionalità e le correzioni di bug all'interno delle API di manipolazione dei documenti di GroupDocs....documenti Word, Excel, PDF e PowerPoint, mentre puoi anche esportare...nei diagrammi # GroupDocs.Annotation per .NET supporta una nuova...
  6. Boletim informativo do GroupDocs, edição de nov...

    O boletim informativo do desenvolvedor do GroupDocs de novembro de 2017 descreve as atualizações de API, os principais aprimoramentos de recursos e correções de bugs nas APIs de manipulação de documentos do GroupDocs....documentos do Word, Excel, PDF e PowerPoint, enquanto você também pode...em diagramas # GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET oferece suporte...
  7. getsimple

    Document Automation APIs along with open-source SDKs to enhance Java, Python, Node.js, C# .NET, Ruby, C++, and PHP applications to view, edit, annotate, convert, compare, e-sign, parse, split, merge, extract, redact, watermark, metadata, paraphrase, classify, repair, and translate documents of almost all the popular file formats....Annotation for .NET library في مواقعهم...وجداول بيانات Excel وعروض PowerPoint التقديمية ورسومات CAD والصور...
  8. getsimple

    Document Automation APIs along with open-source SDKs to enhance Java, Python, Node.js, C# .NET, Ruby, C++, and PHP applications to view, edit, annotate, convert, compare, e-sign, parse, split, merge, extract, redact, watermark, metadata, paraphrase, classify, repair, and translate documents of almost all the popular file formats....Annotation for .NET kitaplığını sorunsuz...Excel elektronik tabloları, PowerPoint sunumları, CAD çizimleri...
  9. getsimple

    Document Automation APIs along with open-source SDKs to enhance Java, Python, Node.js, C# .NET, Ruby, C++, and PHP applications to view, edit, annotate, convert, compare, e-sign, parse, split, merge, extract, redact, watermark, metadata, paraphrase, classify, repair, and translate documents of almost all the popular file formats....Annotation для .NET на свои веб-сайты...таблицы Excel, презентации PowerPoint, чертежи САПР и растровые...
  10. Aprimore seu aplicativo C#/ASP.NET com o recurs...

    O GroupDocs oferece uma biblioteca .NET com API flexível que pode ser usada para criar aplicativos de assinatura eletrônica legalmente vinculativos com funcionalidade de captura de assinatura da Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint e PDF em imagens e muito...Novo e em breve no GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET Nós nos esforçamos...