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viewer curl

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  1. Page Resources | Documentation

    Note Note: The features listed on this page are supported only in GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud V1 GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud REST APIs support to download HTML page resource (image, style, graphics or font) of a specific page. API returns actual data of HTML page resource. Resource The following GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud REST API resource has been used in the download HTML Resource example. Curl example Request Curl -v "" \ -X GET \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "authorization: Bearer pTPAHbcNbrMcerjvtBpYgfkSh44oB9uWBEhoLNLiJ3KYWTZ-LjDK1OhIiSkiFnpwEDvAENURIo6NndadzqbW7Di4ZKIKC6DOlEGoFI2hfiNBaXEAGDE00knZePkCNsupU48qe1N_eGluq4urBAX3VBFiIdwz1yEPlPrqWG1DOAWYglUo5Nc9TdwZroBiDJ00A0oKjWoEJ_mRsI_VYK-NnZlNqrUiPGd6918ivV-vTtN2VvqGGUAosz26F7NZe0uEDf5GZszp-bxQ4_-JimHUgOD3z2M4gldo58oYp-6NBGCEjA312kqpxYZs22MJ_Ma-fSgT8yMDqgixItd0JxciHUCmSR8XVG803g1UgUF3-rfoWOn0FJAYLkZ3SFrjqMwjcJAsxcpWc-vm2eLneOPAh8R08ATyhemGBNCh3Ke3jJhaMf92" Resonse Contents of styles....Viewer Product Solution GroupDocs...Cloud Documentation / GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud / Developer Guide / V1...
  2. Build Document Automation Apps via REST APIs | ...

    Product range includes REST APIs & open-source Cloud SDKs to view, annotate, compare, e-Sign, merge, classify & convert documents & images of many formats....Viewer Cloud Product Family Accelerate...document viewer cloud-based REST API. GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud for...
  3. Fonts Resource | Documentation

    Get Installed Fonts Note Note: The features listed on this page are supported only in GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud V1 GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud REST APIs support to get the installed fonts resource from the API server. API returns list of installed fonts. The following GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud REST API resource has been used in the Get Fonts Resource example. Curl example Request Curl -v "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET -d "{}" Response { "families": [ { "name": "Aharoni" }, { "name": "Aldhabi" }, { "name": "Algerian" }, { "name": "Andalus" }, { "name": "Angsana New" }, { "name": "AngsanaUPC" }, { "name": "Aparajita" }, { "name": "Arabic Typesetting" }, { "name": "Arial" }, { "name": "Arial Black" }, { "name": "Arial Unicode MS" }, { "name": "Baskerville Old Face" }, { "name": "Batang" }, { "name": "BatangChe" }, { "name": "Book Antiqua" }, { "name": "Bookman Old Style" }, { "name": "Browallia New" }, { "name": "BrowalliaUPC" }, { "name": "Calibri" }, { "name": "Calibri Light" }, { "name": "Calisto MT" }, { "name": "Cambria" }, { "name": "Cambria Math" }, { "name": "Candara" }, { "name": "Century Gothic" }, { "name": "Century Schoolbook" }, { "name": "Comic Sans MS" }, { "name": "Consolas" }, { "name": "Constantia" }, { "name": "Corbel" }, { "name": "Cordia New" }, { "name": "CordiaUPC" }, { "name": "Courier New" }, { "name": "DaunPenh" }, { "name": "David" }, { "name": "DFKai-SB" }, { "name": "DilleniaUPC" }, { "name": "DokChampa" }, { "name": "Dotum" }, { "name": "DotumChe" }, { "name": "Ebrima" }, { "name": "Estrangelo Edessa" }, { "name": "EucrosiaUPC" }, { "name": "Euphemia" }, { "name": "FangSong" }, { "name": "Franklin Gothic Medium" }, { "name": "FrankRuehl" }, { "name": "Free 3 of 9 Extended" }, { "name": "FreesiaUPC" }, { "name": "Gabriola" }, { "name": "Gadugi" }, { "name": "Garamond" }, { "name": "Gautami" }, { "name": "Georgia" }, { "name": "Gisha" }, { "name": "Gulim" }, { "name": "GulimChe" }, { "name": "Gungsuh" }, { "name": "GungsuhChe" }, { "name": "Impact" }, { "name": "IrisUPC" }, { "name": "Iskoola Pota" }, { "name": "JasmineUPC" }, { "name": "KaiTi" }, { "name": "Kalinga" }, { "name": "Kartika" }, { "name": "Khmer UI" }, { "name": "KodchiangUPC" }, { "name": "Kokila" }, { "name": "Lao UI" }, { "name": "Latha" }, { "name": "Leelawadee" }, { "name": "Levenim MT" }, { "name": "Liberation Serif" }, { "name": "LilyUPC" }, { "name": "Lucida Console" }, { "name": "Lucida Grande" }, { "name": "Lucida Sans Unicode" }, { "name": "Malgun Gothic" }, { "name": "Mangal" }, { "name": "Marlett" }, { "name": "Meiryo" }, { "name": "Meiryo UI" }, { "name": "Microsoft Himalaya" }, { "name": "Microsoft JhengHei" }, { "name": "Microsoft JhengHei UI" }, { "name": "Microsoft New Tai Lue" }, { "name": "Microsoft PhagsPa" }, { "name": "Microsoft Sans Serif" }, { "name": "Microsoft Tai Le" }, { "name": "Microsoft Uighur" }, { "name": "Microsoft YaHei" }, { "name": "Microsoft YaHei UI" }, { "name": "Microsoft Yi Baiti" }, { "name": "MingLiU" }, { "name": "MingLiU-ExtB" }, { "name": "MingLiU_HKSCS" }, { "name": "MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB" }, { "name": "Miriam" }, { "name": "Miriam Fixed" }, { "name": "Mongolian Baiti" }, { "name": "Monotype Corsiva" }, { "name": "MoolBoran" }, { "name": "MS Gothic" }, { "name": "MS Mincho" }, { "name": "MS PGothic" }, { "name": "MS PMincho" }, { "name": "MS UI Gothic" }, { "name": "MV Boli" }, { "name": "Myanmar Text" }, { "name": "Narkisim" }, { "name": "Nirmala UI" }, { "name": "NSimSun" }, { "name": "Nyala" }, { "name": "Palatino Linotype" }, { "name": "Plantagenet Cherokee" }, { "name": "PMingLiU" }, { "name": "PMingLiU-ExtB" }, { "name": "Raavi" }, { "name": "Rod" }, { "name": "Sakkal Majalla" }, { "name": "Segoe Print" }, { "name": "Segoe Script" }, { "name": "Segoe UI" }, { "name": "Segoe UI Light" }, { "name": "Segoe UI Semibold" }, { "name": "Segoe UI Semilight" }, { "name": "Segoe UI Symbol" }, { "name": "Shonar Bangla" }, { "name": "Shruti" }, { "name": "SimHei" }, { "name": "Simplified Arabic" }, { "name": "Simplified Arabic Fixed" }, { "name": "SimSun" }, { "name": "SimSun-ExtB" }, { "name": "Sylfaen" }, { "name": "Symbol" }, { "name": "Tahoma" }, { "name": "Times New Roman" }, { "name": "Traditional Arabic" }, { "name": "Trebuchet MS" }, { "name": "Tunga" }, { "name": "Tw Cen MT" }, { "name": "Tw Cen MT Condensed" }, { "name": "Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold" }, { "name": "Ubuntu" }, { "name": "Ubuntu Condensed" }, { "name": "Ubuntu Light" }, { "name": "Ubuntu Mono" }, { "name": "Univers 45 Light" }, { "name": "Univers 47 CondensedLight" }, { "name": "Univers 55" }, { "name": "Univers 57 Condensed" }, { "name": "Univers Extended" }, { "name": "Univers ExtraBlack" }, { "name": "Univers ExtraBlackExt" }, { "name": "Univers LightUltraCondensed" }, { "name": "Univers ThinUltraCondensed" }, { "name": "Univers UltraCondensed" }, { "name": "Urdu Typesetting" }, { "name": "Utsaah" }, { "name": "Vani" }, { "name": "Verdana" }, { "name": "Vijaya" }, { "name": "Vrinda" }, { "name": "Webdings" }, { "name": "Wingdings" } ] SDKs The API is completely independent of your operating system, database system or development language....Viewer Product Solution GroupDocs...Cloud Documentation / GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud / Developer Guide / V1...
  4. Convert MPP to Excel | Export MPP to XLS | MPP ...

    Learn how to convert MS Project (MPP) files to Excel format (XLS/XLSX) using C# .NET. Dynamic MPP to XLS or MPP to XLSX conversion. MPP to XLS Converter...Convert MS Project to XLSX using cURL Commands REST API for MPP to...Convert MS Project to XLSX using cURL Commands # Converting MPP to...
  5. C#: MPP to PDF | MPP to PDF Conversion | MS Pro...

    How to convert MS Project (MPP) files to PDF format using C# .NET. Easy and Simple MPP to PDF Conversion in C#. Implement MS Project to PDF Conversion....Convert MS Project to PDF using cURL Commands API for MPP to PDF...Project to PDF using cURL Commands # With cURL, you can easily interact...
  6. Convert JPG to Word Document (DOCX) in C# .NET ...

    Convert JPG images to editable Word documents (DOCX) using C# .NET. How to convert Photo to DOC by developing picture to document converter in C# .NET....Photo to Word Converter using cURL Commands JPG to Word Conversion...Converter using cURL Commands # By using simple cURL commands, you...
  7. GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud V2 Version

    GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud REST API V2 is finally here!. The V2 version API is more simplified API than V1, API with fewer methods and options....Viewer Cloud REST API V2 is finally... learn more . What’s New # Viewer API - Simplified main API methods...
  8. Authenticating API Requests | Documentation

    There is only one way to authenticate GroupDocs Cloud REST APIs: by using OAuth 2.0 protocol with JWT Bearer Token. The JWT token is extracted and validated by our APIs from the Authorization request header. OAuth 2.0 OAuth 2.0 is an authorization framework that enables your applications to obtain access to data to different APIs. OAuth provides authorization flows for web and desktop applications, and mobile devices. What is a JSON Web Token (JWT)?...Viewer Product Solution GroupDocs...of your request. cURL Example Request curl --location --request...
  9. GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud SDK for Ruby Launched No...

    GroupDocs.Cloud developer newsletter for October 2018 describes document manipulation Cloud APIs and SDKs updates, major feature enhancements and bug fixes within GroupDocs REST APIs....2018 # Incorporate Document Viewer Capabilities in Your Apps Using...GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud SDK for Ruby GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud SDK...
  10. About - Websites - Low Code APIs to manipulate Word, Excel, PDF, PowerPoint, Outlook and 100+ other file formats in any typ......Words Cloud cURL API It is a dedicated cURL interface for Aspose...Aspose.Words Cloud APIs. cURL is an excellent tool for REST API...