Analizador de datos de documentos en línea gratuito. Extraiga datos de más de 90 formatos de archivo y familias de formatos... Viewer Annotation Conversion Comparison Signature...Assembly Metadata Search Parser Watermark Editor Merger Redaction Classification...
Create an account Creating an account is very simple. Go to Dashboard to create a free account.
We’re using Single Sign On across our websites, therefore, if you already have an account with our services, you can use it to also acccess the Dashboard.
Create an API client app Before you can make any requests to GroupDocs Cloud API you need to get a Client Id and a Client Secret....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...Product Solution GroupDocs.Watermark Product Solution GroupDocs...
Haziran 2017 tarihli GroupDocs geliştirici bülteni, GroupDocs belge işleme API'lerindeki API güncellemelerini, önemli özellik geliştirmelerini ve hata düzeltmelerini açıklar....Watermark for .NET , GroupDocs tarafından...https://www.groupdocs .com/products/watermark?utmsource=nl&utmcampaign=...
Programmatically Render Outlook Data (.ost) Files To HTML using a REST API on the cloud in Python with Document Viewer Cloud SDK for Python....Documents and Raw Text using C# Annotate PDF Documents using a REST...Product Family (22) GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud Product Family (16)...
GroupDocs.Signature Cloud REST API supports to sign a document with QR-Code. You can list all supported QR-Ccode types using this API.
Resource The following GroupDocs.Signature Cloud REST API resource has been used in the example to list supported QR-Code types.
cURL example Request curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "authorization: Bearer [Access Token]" Response { "qrCodeTypes": [ { "name": "Aztec" }, { "name": "DataMatrix" }, { "name": "GS1DataMatrix" }, { "name": "GS1QR" }, { "name": "QR" } ] } SDK examples The API is completely independent of your operating system, database system or development language....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...Product Solution GroupDocs.Watermark Product Solution GroupDocs...